Competition for the PhD student position in the NCN project

Department of General and Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdansk, Poland opens a call for applications for the PhD student position in NCN SONATA 19 project entitled " β4-integrin is a guardian of nuclear integrity and chromatin accessibility limiting prostate cancer progression".

Project leader: dr Tomasz Wenta
Project time: from 1.10.2024 for 3 years with the possibility of extension for an additional 1 year. A 6-month trial period will be applied.
Location: Department of General and Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdansk

Founding: The successful candidate will receive a Ph.D. scholarship for three years (180,000 PLN in total) covered by a grant from the National Centre of Science. An additional year will be awarded by the Doctoral School of Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdansk.

Tasks: In this project we will investigate the mechanism of prostate cancer progression with a specific focus on the cellular function of β4-integrin, a protein that is involved in the regulation of epithelial cell adhesion to the underlying basement membrane. Currently, it is known that a decrease of the β4-integrin level is important to initiate the transformation of a normal cell into a prostate cancer cell. Our recent data have shown that this protein can be also involved in regulation of shape and function of nuclear envelope and alter the spatial organization and/or accessibility of DNA resulting in oncogenic transcription thereby causing uncontrolled cell growth and cell transformation. Using CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic manipulation techniques, microscopic observations combined with methods for genomic and epigenomic change analysis and several models, including different prostate cell lines, primary organoid cultures and patients material, the PhD student will be involved in investigation of how loss of β4-integrin leads to prostate tumor formation and why the reduction of this protein is so important for cancer progression. PhD student will also present the results at research group meetings and scientific conferences, participate in discussions with foreign partners and manuscripts preparation.

1) M.Sc. degree in biology, biotechnology, medical biology or similar sciences (with an appropriate diploma in English or Polish);
2) documented skills in basic molecular biology and eukaryotic cell biology techniques; programming skills would be an advantage (R preferred)
3) good written and spoken English language skills;
4) candidate should be highly motivated in scientific work, communicative, creative, diligent in conducting research, and able to work independently and in teams;
5) candidate will be a doctoral student of the Doctoral School at Faculty of Biology UG at the time of start of the project;
6) candidate must fulfill the requirements specified in the Regulations for Awarding Research Fellowships in Research Projects Funded by the National Science Center;

Deadline for applications: 30th June 2024

How to apply? Interested candidates should contact by email dr Tomasz Wenta ( appending:
1) CV with all relevant points, preferably demonstrating relevant skills to the present project (labwork experience, statistical analyses, scientific writing/presentation) and scientific achievements (articles in reputable journals, participation in conferences);
2) email address to contact with at least one person with a phD degree (thesis supervisor preferred) for recommendation
3) copy of the master's degree diploma or a statement from the supervisor about the date set for the defense of the master's thesis
4) signed RODO statement of the following content: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Uniwersytet Gdański moich danych osobowych zawartych w dokumentach aplikacyjnych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji obecnego postępowania rekrutacyjnego na stanowisko doktorant-stypendysta oraz w kolejnych naborach kandydatów na stanowiska Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego zgodnie z ogólnym rozporządzeniem o ochronie danych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 roku. Ponadto oświadczam, iż zostałem poinformowany o możliwości wycofania zgody w dowolnym momencie oraz, że jej wycofanie nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej wycofaniem. -  I authorize the University of Gdansk to process my personal data included in the application documents for the purposes necessary for the current recruitment procedure for the position of PhD student-scholar and in subsequent recruitment of candidates for the position of University of Gdansk in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of April 27, 2016. In addition, I declare that I have been informed that I can withdraw my consent at any time and that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal."
5) statement of the intention to apply for enrollment in doctoral studies at the Doctoral School at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk starting from 1.10. 2024, or a document confirming the status of a doctoral student at the Doctoral School at the UG Faculty of Biology

Candidates may be asked to participate in interview by internet communicators (Teams/Skype).
The Announcer reserves the right to respond only to selected offers. The call may be closed without selecting a candidate.
The applications will be considered by a selection committee according to the regulations about scientific scholarships in research projects financed by the National Science Centre, Poland



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Submitted on Monday, 10. June 2024 - 11:45 by Tomasz Kretowicz Changed on Monday, 10. June 2024 - 11:45 by Tomasz Kretowicz